Welcome to the Man Up! What the Bible Says About Being A Man study!

It is my prayer that this series will encourage, equip, and exhort
you to become the man that God wants you to be.

Let’s get started!


Lesson 1, Stand Up!, addresses how men struggle with besetting sin and outlines four steps to avoid falling into temptation: watchfulness, steadfastness, manliness, and spiritual strength.

Lesson 2, Wake Up!, addresses how Christian men too often head off into the day like blind sheep heading to the slaughter. It addresses who God’s man real foe is: Satan. It concludes addressing what the solution is: standing on the Truth.

Lesson 3, Rise Up!, discusses the way God’s man fights the foe is to rise up each morning ensuring they start off properly before they set off for the day. It concludes with helping to finish the day strong.

Lesson 4, Armor Up!, focuses on three essentials to being God’s man that the whole armor of God provides: necessity, ability, and stability.

Lesson 5, Study Up!, addresses God’s man need for spiritual meat and that is found in becoming a student of the Bible. The lesson provides a simple three-step checklist to follow: learn, live, and love God’s Word.

Here’s the link to the Proverbs/Psalms Bible Study Dave speaks of in the lesson:

Proverbs/Psalms Bible Study

Lesson 6, Look Up!, teaches that the Bible gives three mental states that God’s man needs to ingrain into his character to constantly keep his eye on the prize: desire, determination, and discipline.


Lesson 7, Pray Up!, teaches God’s man how to have a devotional life that is characterized by prayerfulness and provides three intentional steps to take: talk to, test, and trust in God.


Lesson 8, Sober Up!, addresses how so many Christian men misunderstand that our heavenly inheritance provides three spiritual benefits: a spiritual mind, spiritual soberness, and spiritual hope.


Lesson 9, Build Up!, addresses how Satan has his sights on the family, especially the Christian home. This knowledge should put God’s man on high alert. An alertness that manifests three required actions as the head of the household: edify, exemplify, and magnify godliness.


Lesson 10, Make Up!, addresses how the most important human relationship for God’s man is with his bride. Ephesians 5:25 is our model of how to love our lives and this lesson narrows the subject to three areas. If God’s man’s will either begin or improve in these three areas, then he will see a strengthening in his marriage. Husbands must make their wives feel safe, secure, and special.


Lesson 11, Make Up!, addresses the important questions of how do you keep your children from going astray? How do you teach them the biblical precepts and principles that will bring protection and provision to their lives? While there are no guarantees in life, the Bible addresses three responsibilities of a father. When it comes to raising children, fathers must domesticate, educate, and liberate. 

Lesson 12, Show Up!, challenges men to show up for God’s roll call, and gives three areas in our lives that we can be sure we’re never AWOL (Absent Without Leave): study, steady, and simplify.